Further Resources

If you want to find help but don’t know where to go, here is a list of resources. Right now these are mostly focused on the US, UK, and Germany. I will add more in the future. If you know about any great resources from different countries, let me know and I’ll add them. 

Aktionsbündnis Seelische Gesundheit 

Vom Bund gefördertes Programm Psychenet

Deutsche Depressionshilfe

Männertelefon für Gewaltopfer (auch in der Partnerschaft)

Suicide Prevention Chat (english)

Therapiefinder itscomplicated

Deprexis – Online Therapie (gefördert)

Mindable – App für Angststörungen und Agoraphobie

One of the best resources is the NHS website

Help with substance abuse

Help for male victims of domestic abuse

Suicide Prevention Chat (english)

Deprexis UK 
